Concise Guide to Coconut Shell Charcoal Making Machine in Thailand

In Thailand, coconuts grow abundantly across this land of extensive coastlines and pristine tropical islands. Coconuts are delicious and satisfy many dietary needs, but are also an important cash crop and have innumerable applications to all types of industries. Because they are so prolific –– a single coconut tree can produce as many as 75 coconuts in a single year–– coconuts are an important crop to the modern world and are comparatively easy to cultivate. So there is a problem — how to process coconut shells? The coconut shell charcoal making machine will be helpful.

Charcoal Machine in Turkey
Charcoal Machine in Turkey

Many Uses for the Coconut

Coconut cultivation is a big business and these prolifically produced coconuts have many uses in a wide variety of industries. Coconuts are used in the production of eco-friendly organic textiles that are very popular on the market today. Then, the tasty meat and valuable nutrients have application in the food and cosmetics industries. Beston carbonization machine has many different functions:

But, there are even more important uses for the coconut shells once the meat and fibers have been stripped away leaving only the tough coconut shell. Coconut shells can be used as a sturdy material in a variety of applications but their true value lies in transforming them into high-value charcoal. The coconut charcoal is a good source of fuel and used in many households or heavy industries. Moreover, coconut charcoal as activated carbon is the most effective form of filtration system for removing toxins, heavy metals and other contaminants from water supplies.

Coconut Shell Charcoal
Coconut Shell Charcoal

Coconut Shell Charcoal Making Machine in Thailand

With the mountains of coconuts leftover by local industries, Thailand presents an almost inexhaustible source of raw materials for producing top-quality coconut shell charcoal. But, even though the technology that accomplishes this impressive transformation is as old as the agricultural revolution, today’s solutions to coconut shell charcoal production are far more sophisticated and efficient –– and they don’t produce high quantities of CO2. That’s charcoal machine in Thailand will be a great investment project.

The process is very simple and the final product highly useful. The coconut shells will form the biomass in the process that will be carbonized to produce a top-quality charcoal product. But, before they can be fed into the carbonization chamber the raw materials must go through the coking process that will improve the carbon value of the raw material. After this, the coconut shells will be charred to remove all hydrogen and oxygen from the materials before they can be placed in the carbonization furnace, where the final product is created.

Final Notes on a Coconut Shell Charcoal Making Machine in Thailand

While there are many people who attempt to create this product with simple and homemade solutions, there are some important reasons that a large industrial strength operation is the best option. The first reason is profitability, no matter who you are supplying with coconut shells the need far exceeds the demand and you could sell more and make greater profits with a top-of-the-line facility.

The other reason is environmental. Using conventional carbonization techniques produces far too much CO2 to be environmentally sustainable. But, modern coconut shell charcoal making machine from Beston Machinery is equipped with the features that make them eco-friendly.